OrderCup is integrated with vMeasure for automated dimensioning. Follow the  easy steps below to setup in OrderCup.

Configure Credentials

Once you have obtained a vMeasure device an account will be created for you on the vMeasure end. This account will have credentials like User Id, Secret Id. You need to configure those in your OrderCup account at Settings --> My Settings --> Measure

Only Owner and Admin OrderCup users are allowed to configure the User ID & Secret ID

You can have multiple vMeasure devices under one account. Every vMeasure device has its own System Token. OrderCup allows every user in your account to have his own vMeasure device or share the same device. Users who want to use the automated measuring need to configure the System Token of the device they intend to use in the same place above.


Once the configurations are done, you can see the measure icon on the order ship page, next to dimension boxes. Place the package to be measured on the device and click the measure icon. It will read the live dimensions from the device and populate them in the dimension input boxes.


You can use your vMeasure device to read weight along with dimensions. To enable reading weight from vMeasure check the Enable Weigh Scale box in the settings below. This option is also per user and every user in your account can decide whether or not he wants to read weight from vMeasure device. 

Note that if you are already using an USB scale, then you need to disable it so that the wight from vMeasure is not overwritten. To disable existing scale, got to Settings --> My Settings --> Scale. Check the Disable Scale option and click Save.

You can choose the default weight to be set as Weight from Cart/Marketplace or 0.00 or some fixed value.